This is why we perform a complimentary exam! During your free orthodontic exam with one of our orthodontists, we’ll thoroughly assess your condition (including complimentary X-rays and diagnostic photos) and discuss any orthodontic-related symptoms you may be experiencing. Through this assessment, we can determine whether you need orthodontic treatment.
In the meanwhile, here are some signs you can look out for to determine whether you need treatment:
- • You have crowding or spacing
- • You’re not confident in your smile
- • You have difficulty breathing, or you mouth-breathe often
- • You have difficulty sleeping
- • You feel pain when opening or closing your mouth
- • Your jaw pops or clicks when opening your mouth
- • Your teeth overlap
- • Your top teeth overlap your bottom teeth
- • Your bottom teeth overlap your top teeth
- • You experience persistent soreness in your teeth or gums
Toward the end of your treatment, once your teeth have shifted into the desired position and you enter the retention phase, your teeth will stabilize and stop wiggling.
If any of your teeth are wiggling considerably and it concerns you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We want to calm your fears and ensure that you’re working toward the best possible results from your treatment.