Yes, You may need rubber bands with Invisalign! Here’s why.

You may have heard of rubber bands used in braces treatment, but did you know that these small elastics are used with Invisalign clear aligners too?

When you visit us at GO Orthodontics, your orthodontist (Dr. Gililland, Dr. O’Bannon, or Dr. Gonder) will create a treatment plan that is 100% personalized to you and your needs. If your condition requires rubber bands to help align the jaw bones, we will tell you everything you need to know about wearing and caring for your rubber bands.

In the meantime, here’s a quick guide to Invisalign rubber bands:


What are Invisalign rubber bands?

Invisalign rubber bands are small elastics that can be used for both Invsialign and braces. These elastics are placed on a braces hook or Invisalign button on the top teeth and bottom teeth.

They apply persistent pressure to the jaw bones to promote a healthy alignment between the top and bottom jaw bones.


What do rubber bands do for Invisalign?

Here’s an example of how rubber bands for Invisalign and braces work:

If you have an overbite – meaning your upper jaw extends far over your lower jaw – treatment aims to shift the upper jaw backward and the lower jaw forward to align them. 

In this case, your rubber bands will attach to an Invisalign button on the bottom teeth, toward the back of your mouth, and a button on the top teeth, toward your canines. The rubber band tension will start to pull the upper jaw backward and the lower jaw forward, effectively treating an overbite. 

If you have an underbite, then vice versa. You want your lower jaw to shift backward and your upper jaw to move forward, so your rubber bands will be attached the opposite way.

Your bands will be hooked on a top arch button and a lower arch button to create tension that accelerates the braces straightening process and aligns the jaw bones. Your specific condition will determine where your bands are hooked and how long throughout your treatment process you’ll be wearing them.

Placing your rubber bands on Invisalign is simple too!


How to put rubber bands on Invisalign

  1. First things first: wash your hands! Always ensure clean hands before touching your mouth.
  2. Place a rubber band on your pointer finger. Starting on either the top aligner or bottom aligner, place your pointer finger and rubber band on top of the Invisalign hook.
  3. Use your thumb to pull the rubber band down to the bottom button (or up to the top button) and hook it in place.

When you need to remove your clear aligners, simply unhook your rubber band on either the top aligner or bottom aligner first (with your mouth closed), then remove the rubber band. Throw the rubber band away and use your finger tips to start removing the aligners on the insides of the molars!


Still have questions about Invisalign rubber bands?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions! We love hearing from you.

Our team is here to provide you with the information you need to make the best decision for you or your child’s smile. We’ll help you GO through life smiling with confidence!

Take the first step to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted by requesting your complimentary consultation with us in Oxford, Saltillo, Southaven or Corinth (Mississippi) or Collierville near Memphis (Tennessee).

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